Attention all lash artists who are spreadsheet-allergic and dread tax season…

What if you could take control of your business finances and actually look forward to checking your business bank account?

I promise it’s possible.

I’m ready

I get it!

Despite the fact that you’re working 10-hour days, you’re still not sure if you can afford to pay yourself, invest in supplies, take the training you've been wanting, or if you're even profiting.

In fact, the shoebox full of receipts only gives you anxiety when it's tax season. Or the spreadsheet system you’ve been using to track your expenses, tips, and payments has left you more confused in your business than ever before.

The truth is – trying to get all these answers from simple spreadsheets is doing it the HARD way. Plus they usually don’t tell you your full financial story.

And you didn’t get into this business to spend loads of time acting like a bookkeeper.

But you know keeping up to date with your bookkeeping is essential to running a business, you’ve tried to create a process that works for you… only… things keep falling through the cracks.

Which means you’ve spent far too much time:

  • Looking for that lost receipt
  • YouTubing accounting terms
  • Calculating business expenses
  • Scribbling numbers in your notebook
  • Questioning how to price your services
  • Investigating the amount you owe in taxes
  • Debating if you can pay yourself each month
  • Wondering if that new gadget is tax deductible
  • Hoping you can just hire a bookkeeper to handle this one day...

I’m here to tell you – it’s not your fault (at all!). There’s a huge flaw in the system…

The problem is they don’t teach how to keep tabs on the money of your business in beauty school.

If they did, you’d realize it’s less intimidating than you think.
And that having a system – and avoiding costly mistakes – should make you wanna do a happy dance.

Plus you’d be able to:

  • Feel less intimidated by your checking accounts and expense reports
  • Save loads of time because your system works with you, automatically
  • Have confidence when making business decisions
  • Know exactly what you should be charging for your services to meet your goals
  • Finally feel prepared for tax season without having to request another extension
  • Nip overspending and maximize your tax deductions to increase overall profits

And unlike all the time you had to devote to mastering the perfect lash set 😍, whipping your books into shape only takes a day.

And once you have it up and running, your monthly ongoing maintenance only takes 30 minutes a month.

Managing your finances isn't a trait, it's a learned skill, and I'm here to help you learn it.

Say goodbye to wasting time trying to figure it out all on your own!

So – if you want to be a lash artist confident in your finances –
here are 3 key foundational items you’ll need:

Finance terms broken down in a language you understand

All too often, I see lash artists ready to throw in the towel because words like accruals and cash basis immediately makes them break into hives. But it’s only because no one has ever explained it in a way that’s specific to their business.

A tried-and-true system that doesn’t require much of your time or effort

The biggest myth I hear about bookkeeping is it’s confusing, or only for accountants, costly, and time-consuming. It’s not true! With the right tools and system, you’ll spend less time getting it done with less money than you’d spend a  month on coffee.

Access to accurate reports so you know exactly how your business is doing

Your money reports are only as good as the information you put into them. Without understanding how to categorize your income and expenses, you’ll never know how much to pay yourself or what to charge. But creating accurate reports is simple!

Let’s make this the year you grow your business to new heights!

Hi friend, I’m Cecilia Wiscomb.

I’m a wife, mom, absolute sucker for the perfect lash lift, book lover and creator of Money Mastery Blueprint (more on that in a sec.).

I’m passionate about the power of tracking your money and maximizing your tax deductions. It’s a game-changer.

All too often, I see beauty-preneurs let their fear of crunching the numbers hold them back. But I’m here to scream from the rooftops, it doesn’t need to be complicated!

Setting a system in place, one that automatically works with you, will make you a believer, too. There’s nothing better than that I-just-did-my-taxes-in-no-time feeling.

And I promise, you don’t need to be good with numbers to get there. And you don’t need to dedicate a ton of time. You just need to follow a proven step-by-step process. One that, once you set it up, only requires 30 minutes a month to maintain.

So put down your tweezers for a sec, it’s time to welcome you inside…

Money Mastery Blueprint

For lash artists who want to future-proof their business by understanding their finances using QuickBooks

Create a proven, simple automated system for managing your money.

In less time. With less stress. And less last-minute scrambling.

I'm ready to feel confident about my finances


Learn the Basics

Before you get the hang of balancing your books, you’ll nail down basic finance terminology that every business owner needs to know.

Get Started in QuickBooks

In my easy-to-follow video tutorials, you’ll learn exactly how to set up QuickBooks for your beauty business – say hello to a stress-free system that tracks EVERYTHING.

Track Your Money Like a Pro

From connecting your bank accounts to tracking your credit card fees, I’m breaking down the simplest way to keep tabs on your money – without wasting precious time.

Here’s what you can expect after giving your books a million-dollar makeover…

You will:

  • Create a solid system for tracking your business finances even if numbers have never been your strong suit
  • Avoid common costly mistakes by understanding how to keep track of costs, taxes, and everything in between
  • Discover hidden money you didn’t think you had – chances are you’re missing out on precious tax deductions!
  • Confidently know exactly how much you CAN invest in your business without taking on more clients
  • Streamline the entire process down to 30 minutes a month so that you can spend more time leveling up your business

You’ll discover the stress-free way to tackle the subtle (but necessary!) art of bookkeeping for your business.

This is what I need!

Here’s what you’ll uncover in the blink of an eye…


  • Before we dig into setting up your books, you’ll gain a basic understanding of common accounting lingo
  • Say goodbye to Googling words like assets, liabilities, owners equity, and drawings because we’re banishing the confusion around these topics – for good
  • Understand where your money is going so you can have a solid budget – and stick to it

Walk away with a solid foundation of accounting that will benefit you for the rest of your life as a small business owner.


  • Learn which QuickBooks account I recommend for lash artists & beauty professionals and follow my step-by-step tutorials to make setting up a breeze
  • Customize your QuickBooks account to work for you. I’m giving you the EXACT know-how to set your QuickBooks on autopilot
  • Nip any confusion in the butt with my video tutorial that walks you through the QuickBooks dashboard – because we’ve all been stumped by new technology before

Walk away with a fully customized and ready-to-go QuickBooks account – set it up once and you’ll never need to do it again!


  • Learn how to add your vendors and set their preferences into QuickBooks so that you can accurately track your monthly expenses
  • Dive into the terminology and processes needed to manage your customers and vendors in the backend of your business
  • Understand how tracking your monthly expenses is the key to unlocking the next phase of your business

Walk away with every single one of your ongoing monthly expenses inputted into your QuickBooks account so you can cut unnecessary spending right then and there.


  • Learn how to link your bank accounts to your QuickBooks account so that you’ll never have to manually enter your monthly expenses again but just in case I’ll cover how to manually enter miscellaneous expenses, too
  • Take the mystery out of reconciling your books every month (and what reconciling your books means!) – this is crucial to catching any would-be mistakes in their tracks
  • Understand how to use the QuickBooks app so that you can upload receipts and track mileage on-the-go

Walk away with all the information you need to make QuickBooks the #1 tool to keep track of your business finances automatically.


  • Learn how to easily create a financial report using your QuickBooks account so that you can examine the health of your business – who knew keeping tabs on your money could be…dare I say it…fun?!
  • Understand how to analyze your income, expenses, and deductions so you know exactly what financial adjustments need to be made and how much to save for taxes
  • Know how to download reports to file your taxes effortlessly (and on time!) or to easily send to your accountant

Walk away with a comprehensive snapshot of your business finances so you know EXACTLY how to price your services and where to trim on spending.


  • Learn how to keep track of merchant and credit card fees that are automatically removed from your deposits – you’ll be surprised how easy this is!
  • Understand how to keep tabs on your tips – it’s important that you track them separately from your business income
  • Know how to use these QuickBooks features to zero-in *even more* on your business finances

Walk away with a foolproof system to keep track of your fees and tips every month and maximize the potential of QuickBooks.

Not only will you get all the knowledge you need to run a financially sound business, but you’ll also get the support you need along the way

Your extra support includes:

Access to the private 
Money Mastery Blueprint Community

Here’s where you’ll get top-of-the-line support. Never feel like you're tackling your financial problems alone again. And connect with other lash artists and beauty professionals like you!

Live monthly Q&A calls

We’ve all been there. Completely stumped with a question that doesn’t seem to have an answer. Don’t worry – submit your Q’s and watch me answer them live. No question goes unanswered. These sessions are recorded and uploaded for future view.

Updates & New Material Added

QuickBooks can often have minor updates that can help us, they will be added as they become available. Also, mini-trainings will also be added, to help you run and grow your business. Never miss a thing, with these updates you'll always be up to date!

And to make sure you’re on track to up-level your business I’m also including these valuable BONUSES:

Bonus #1: The 5 Biggest Deductions Most Beauty Owners Miss (value $69)

Every savvy business owner knows how important it is to maximize your deductions. But if you’re anything like most business owners, chances are you’re missing out on a few. So I’m sharing this fan-favorite checklist so you can pour more money into your business bank account.

Bonus #2: My Debit and Credit Cheat Sheet
(value $39)

I’m giving you everything you need to know about what beauty items qualify as a debit and what belongs in the credit category. So you can maximize your potential deductions from your credits and never have to worry if you balanced your books correctly again.

Bonus #3: My QuickBooks Shortcut Keys Guide
(value $59)

The easiest way to shave off time in QuickBooks? Know the shortcut keys! This guide makes navigating QuickBooks on your computer easier and faster than ever before.

Bonus #4: QuickBooks Discount Code
(value $54)

As a QuickBooks partner, I am able to offer my students a 30% discount code on your monthly rate for 6 months. That’s a better discount than you’ll find on their website! So you can get started today AND save money doing so.


3 Monthly Payments of



A One-time Payment of




Once you join, you’ll instantly receive the course along with your QuickBooks discount code. You’ll be able to sign up for QuickBooks and then get started right away with getting in the driver’s seat of your business finances.

I'm ready to take control of my finances

I’m a straight shooter so I’ll give it to you straight…

When you’re working all day and night at the salon, it’s easy to prioritize EVERYTHING ELSE over managing your finances. I get it. You’ve got clients to respond to, supplies to restock, and social media content to create. And let's face it, it's scary!

But here’s the thing – if you don’t manage your cash flow and pinpoint where you can make more profits, you’re killing any chance of growth. There’s just no way around that.

Without a proper money system in place, you won’t know if you’re running a profitable business or running your business into the ground. (And just because your bank account is in the positive doesn’t mean it’s profitable!)

The longer you wait to implement a system, the messier and more stressful running your lash business will be. Not to mention the deductions you’re probably missing out on, which are costing you money!

That’s exactly why I’m so passionate about helping lash artists and beauty professionals like you get a firm grip on their finances. I want to see you succeed.

So I made sure to create an easy-to-understand, step-by-step course that will get you set up in QuickBooks in a matter of hours.

Future you will be so proud of the investment you’re making!

AND just to make this the easiest decision you’ll ever make:

Here’s the Money Mastery Blueprint Promise

You’re here because you want to future-proof your business. You have your sights set on becoming a 6-figure business owner and you have the talent to back it up. You also know you need to set the proper foundation to get there.

But if investing in a course and accounting software you’re unfamiliar with makes you uneasy, I completely understand.

So here’s my promise to you – I promise you will feel financially empowered and much less intimidated by your business finances after completing this course. You will understand how much money you’re bringing in. You will be able to track your expenses easily. And, using the automated systems within QuickBooks, it will take you less time than ever before.

This course was created to give you the financial know-how to position yourself at the head of the pack. And I want you to feel good about getting there.

That’s exactly why I’m offering a 14-day money-back guarantee*. If you register for QuickBooks, complete the course, setup your own account, including bank downloads, chart of accounts, reconciliations, and still feel you still haven’t received the tools to track your finances, I will refund you. Just email [email protected] within 14 days of purchasing the course. It’s that simple.

I can’t wait for you to discover the satisfaction of getting your finances in order and I’m so excited to support you along the way.

I'm ready to understand my finances

Just in case you’re wondering…

Meet your virtual bookkeeping strategist

Hi there, I’m Cecilia.

I started my lash business after ditching the corporate world so I could spend more time riding bikes with my boys, reading non-fiction dramas, or lounging on the couch watching Netflix.

To make sure I have the time to do all that, I’ve created automated systems that help the day-to-day run smoothly. And I want to share how using QuickBooks was an essential part of getting here.

Because when you can understand how much to pay yourself each month, how to price your services, how much you can afford to buy on that epic lash sale, and EXACTLY how profitable your business is, well, you’ll be leaps and bounds ahead of the pack.

You’ll position yourself to be able to keep scaling. And to do it with ease. This means less late nights at the salon and more time spent with the people you love.

A little more about me…
Before I became a lash artist and a licensed esthetician, I worked in corporate accounting for 15+ years. I learned the systems that every company depends on to keep the wheels moving. And, while I’m a self-proclaimed math nerd, I understand not everyone feels this way about crunching numbers.

That’s why I’m on a mission to demystify the process of bookkeeping for your lash business. You’ll be amazed at how simple it can be.

You understand the value of investing in your business, you’ve enrolled in classes, courses, and mentorship and seen how it pays off.

Investing in the financial health of your dream life is just one more piece of that puzzle, one that pays off BIG TIME.

So if you’re ready to stop wasting hours and guessing how to financially run your business, Money Mastery Blueprint has you covered.

You’re in the right place if:

  • You want to protect your assets, maximize your tax deductions, and steadily increase your profits
  • You’re looking for a tried-and-true method that delivers everything you need to run a profitable business without getting bogged down by complicated accounting jargon
  • You’re willing to put in 30 minutes a month to keep your business financials and the health of your business up to speed
  • You want to grow your business in a sustainable way without guessing about how to price your services or how much to pay yourself
  • You’re ready to stop stressing during tax season and you’re ready to ditch filing for those tax extensions – for good
  • You maybe don’t consider yourself good with numbers but you know you can follow a proven step-by-step system


Here’s what’s waiting for you on the other side:

5 Modules complete with step-by-step videos to get started with QuickBooks

MODULE 1: Setup & Navigation
MODULE TWO: Customers & Vendors
MODULE THREE: Banking Center
MODULE FOUR: Financial Reports
MODULE FIVE: Advanced Function - Journal Entries

Bonus #1: The 5 Biggest Tax Deductions Most Lash Artists Miss checklist (value $69)

Bonus #2: Cecilia’s Debit and Credit cheatsheet (value $39)

Bonus #3: Cecilia’s QuickBooks Shortcut Keys guide (value $59)

Bonus #4: A 6 month discount code for QuickBooks (value $54)

Bonus #5: Lifetime access to the Money Mastery Blueprint community and course content (value $900)


Upcoming webinar Bonuses:
- Profit First: How to create a Spending Plan for your business!

- How to price your services so you can pay yourself!


3 Monthly Payments of



A One-time Payment of



Here’s the simple truth…

Being less afraid of the numbers side of your business is the key to financial freedom.

That’s exactly why I distilled the indispensable tools I learned during my 15 years as a small business bookkeeper, and corporate accountant straight into this course. Specifically designed for last artists and beauty professionals like you.

My wish for you is that you feel empowered by your finances. That you easily understand your business’ profit and loss statement. That you feel an incredible sense of accomplishment when you hand over your reports to your CPA for tax season – MONTHS ahead of schedule. And that you welcome the chance to balance your books.

Because in that power lies the rock-solid foundation to build your 6-figure lash business on. And, ultimately, the freedom to go on that dream vacation to the Amalfi Coast or to just kick back poolside with loved ones on the weekend.

I’ll be rooting for you the whole way.

Xo, Cecilia

I’m ready!!